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Our vision is to prepare the most vulnerable children for a better tomorrow.​



Jordan and Pam Gagner


When Jordan and Pam heard about Let's Give Them Hope they were very moved by all the lives that were being dramatically changed. And they had a deep desire to help even more children and their families.


They instantly came on board to enable us to expand and take the village of Twashuka, Zambia under our wing.


In 2024, Jordan and Pam visited Let's Give Them Hope in Zimbabwe and Zambia bringing excellent advice and teaching.


Pam spent time with the teachers in both of our locations, inspiring them and offering new teaching techniques which were very much appreciated.


Jordan was very encouraging to all the staff and volunteers, and brought vision and insight for the future. 


Now Jordan and Pam are the leaders of our USA branch. They advocate and raise funds for Let's Give Them Hope in both of our locations.

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